Hey There! Thanks for checking out my Blog! I've got a lot going on in my life right now and its cool to be able to share that with you all. I live/work at a homeless shelters youth program in Holland, MI as well as being a professional musician. I have my own material that I tour with as a recording artist, as well as several side projects I play guitars for. I hope you enjoy keeping up on the exciting things God is allowing me to be a part of!
Is it really half-way through July already??? I just realized the last time I made a post was June 1st!!! Sorry I've been behind with that, this summer has been a very busy one for me packed with a lot of cool ministry opportunities and little adventures. This weekend has been a good time for me to relax a bit and catch up on some things. Yesterday I was over in Grand Rapids playing some music for a block party style hip-hop festival, some friends of mine were putting it together and wanted my band to roll through even though I don't rap :) Someone there took this picture on their phone while we were sound checking and sent it to me.
When I made my last blog post; things were just getting started with training our summer staff at ROCK youth ministries for our 10 week day camp program with youth here around Holland, MI. We are now five weeks into the summer and it has already been a wild ride! I've had some really cool opportunities to continue building relationships with some of the kids in our program and to keep taking advantage of teachable moments that inevitably come up whenever you spend enough time hanging out with youth. This last week we had a youth group from out of town come and help us out with camp stuff. We've gotten to do a lot of cool things this summer with the kids and I regret not being more on top of sharing those with you. These are some random photos from the last few weeks of awesomeness
Somehow alongside of all the work I've been doing with the ROCK youth program, I've still been able to do a good amount of touring on weekends and keep my sanity! I've really been blessed with a lot of opportunities this summer to share my music; as well as leading worship, with a lot of people from all kinds of places. Some of these trips included a camp in Colorado, a weekend tour in Kansas where I played some music and spoke a little at an outreach event/basketball tournament just outside of Kansas City, and several visits to churches where my band got to lead some worship and I had the opportunity to share about ROCK youth ministries. If you are one of the many people I got to meet and talk with on one of these trips, it was awesome getting to hang out and do some Jesus business!
When on the Kansas trip with my band, we also had my good friend Beacon Light (Hip-hop artist) traveling with us and we stopped in a Chic-Fil-A resturant for the first time ever. It just happened to be "Dress Like a Cow" day; so naturally, we had to interview some people in cow suits. Check the video below :)